
Maharaja Manindra Chandra College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

20 Ramkanto Bose Street Kolkata-700 003 | Call:033-25555565 | Email :principalmmccollege@gmail.com

Website : www.mmccollege.co.in


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1 Pre-Raphaelite Paintings By Dr Naina Dey
2 Challenging the Nonsense Teaching Abol Tabol in translation By Dr Naina Dey
3 Macbeth By Dr. Naina Dey
4 Introduction to the Biblical and Theological elements present in Goblin Market (CC10) by Prof.Somrita Ganguly
5 Introduction to Ecocriticism with reference to Goblin Market (CC10) by Prof.Somrita Ganguly
6 Introduction to the Victorian Marketplace & Consumerism as seen in Goblin Market (CC10) by Prof.Somrita Ganguly
7 Introduction to Goblin Market (CC10) by Prof.Somrita Ganguly
8 Crisis of faith & Victorian poetry (CC10) by Prof.Somrita Ganguly